Dear Friends:
The Cranberry Island Historical Society is a non-profit community organization. As an organization, we are committed to political non-partisanship. We endeavor to foster an environment of inclusion and community building. To that end we have been open to different ideas and perspectives.
Through the Cranberry House, the Great Cranberry Island Historical Society has provided a venue for individuals who feel a connection to this island to share their interests with their neighbors. This has been our practice for over a decade. In the interest of hosting a free exchange of ideas, we have never had to turn away an event based upon content. At the same time, our trustees recognize and deeply regret the distress and conflict that have occurred with the showing of “Absolute Proof”. We appreciate your constructive letters and suggestions, and we take them seriously. We are committed to moving forward with a renewed focus on the mission of the organization, our policies, and our place in the community.
During our busy season, an Events Committee, made up of volunteers, spends many hours approving, coordinating, and supporting activities in our Arts Center. In order to meet the new challenge of considering the impact of our events on the community, we recognize the need to extend the work of this committee throughout the year. We encourage you to share your ideas with the Events Committee, which will now be meeting year-round. With your help, we can continue to make the Cranberry House an inclusive and happy environment where all members of the community are welcome and appreciated.