
Help keep GCIHS vibrant with a donation. GCIHS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. There are significant capital gains tax savings in donating stock that has appreciated, rather than selling it and donating cash.


Planned Gifts
All donations, large or small, yield the satisfaction of enriching the community, but planned gifts can provide significant tax benefits for the donor and contribute to the long-term sustainability of our organization. Types of planned gifts include bequests, living trusts, charitable remainder trusts, and life insurance and retirement account beneficiary designation. GCIHS encourages interested donors to discuss their planned giving options with a professional adviser.

Friends of Cranberry House
Become a Friend of Cranberry House. Your annual donation​sustains the activities of the society and the events at Cranberry House.  Annual donations​are the backbone of GCIHS’s yearly budget​. They ​allow GCIHS to keep ​its ​doors open and​its​ museum and events free​ of charge​.  By becoming a Friend of GCIHS at any level you support research, museum exhibitions, publication of bi-annual newsletters, maintenance of facilities, and a wide range of year-round programming.

Friend $25 – $49
Family Friend $50 – $99
Donor $100 – $249
Sponsor $250 – $499
Patron $500 – $999
Benefactor $1000+

Volunteers are the heart and soul of GCIHS, and there are many ways to become involved. Volunteers welcome visitors to our museum at the reception desk, transport islanders and visitors on our Cranberry Explorer shuttle, run events,​maintain facilities, and ​​serve on the Board and various committees.  Contact us to find out more about volunteering at GCIHS.

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